

Smart ways to extend the reach of wireless locks

London, UK

Integration can also enhance the experience of building occupants. One credential opens the car park, then the building, and accesses their laptop and buys lunch in the café.

As building security becomes smarter, the need for electronic access control systems spreads further. Wired access points and security doors have long been the backbone. Yet at the same time, even buildings with extensive electronic systems leave mechanically locked doors unmonitored and unguarded — and certainly not “smart”. Mechanical locks cannot be connected. However, the latest generation of wireless locks can replace them easily and integrate them seamlessly within almost any access system.

A recent industry survey — cited in the “Wireless Access Control Report 2018”, from Assa Abloy and Ifsec Global — finds integration is an increasing concern. Over 90% of industry professionals polled for the report suggest integrating security systems with each other (and with other smart building systems) has increased in importance in the last few years.

Integration is a recurring theme in conversations among professionals. For 53% of survey respondents, easy integration with CCTV, alarms, time and attendance, lighting and HVAC would make them interested in upgrading to a particular product — more than any other factor. Forty-three percent said easier integration with existing access control systems would make them more likely to upgrade. 

Fewer security interfaces are easier to support and so require less training. Integration can also enhance the experience of building occupants. One credential opens the car park, then the building, and accesses their laptop and buys lunch in the café.

Expanding the coverage of traditional locks can now be fast, easy and cost-effective by changing to wireless devices like Aperio, battery-powered locks with integrated RFID-readers. The aforementioned report cites growth forecasts for the wireless access control market of around 8% annually through 2025. The ease and cost-efficient integration wireless offers is surely driving this growth.

Because Aperio has an open architecture, it is flexible and modular, so those who already have wired access control and want to add more doors to their existing system find wireless is the solution. Aperio wireless locks integrate with security systems from over 100 different OEMs worldwide, for new installations or to upgrade an existing system. Integration is seamless, extending the reach of an existing system with future-proofed devices. Security administrators operate the new Aperio-equipped doors from the same interface as the installed system. Site users carry a single smart access card for all doors, and other functions like canteen payments or library loans are just as easy to integrate.

And, if, for example, your security system uses mechanical keys, battery-powered Aperio RFID-equipped cylinders, escutcheons, handles and locks can be fitted as a new access control system, or can extend an existing installation by linking new doors to the same system wirelessly. 

In adition, Aperio locks work within almost every major access control ecosystem on the planet, from over 100 different manufacturers. They are energy-efficient, with batteries lasting an average of 40,000 cycles (typically 2 years) before they need replacing.

“It’s easy to start the upgrade process,” says Matthias Weiß, Aperio Product Manager at Assa Abloy EMEA. “Your security or facilities manager only needs to contact their regular access control provider to find out if they offer Aperio. We can upgrade nearly any system.”

Installing wireless locks is also more cost-effective than hard-wiring more doors, because there’s no cabling or invasive building work around the door. Changing door hardware is unnecessary. For example, it’s fast and easy to switch a mechanical handle for an Aperio wireless handle with integrated RFID reader, to bring more doors into an access system.


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