

Vivotek cameras resolve security problems for business complex

Cherven, Belarus

In a small town of Cherven in Belarus stands a two-story commercial building, the first floor occupied by a grocery and a home appliances shop, and the second by a restaurant. Unfortunately, the building was constantly plagued by theft, forcing the owner to install a surveillance system. In addition to hoping it would put a halt to theft, he also wished to better monitor the activity of employees and the delivery of merchandise.
The owner was immediately faced with two basic dilemmas: the choice between a traditional analogue system and a newer digital IP system, and which brand of camera to choose. He sought out the recommendations of several system integrators, one of which was Datastream, which eventually won the bid to supply and implement the system.

According to Datastream product manager, the building owner was initially leaning toward a traditional analog CCTV system, but Datastream impressed the owner with its demonstration of Vivotek’s digital IP cameras’ exceptional picture quality and sophisticated features, like access to the camera’s video stream from a mobile phone using 3GPP. The owner still had concerns about cost, but despite considering a host of competing vendors, Datastream’s Vivotek solution won out for cost-effectiveness.

The surveillance system deployed by Datastream includes 15 IP7138V cameras in the two retail stores and restaurant, one IP7160 installed to cover the payment counter, and one FD7130 to monitor the building’s delivery area. The product manager explains that each model was carefully chosen for the advantages it could bring to the job of monitoring a particular location in the building.

The 1.3-megapixel IP7138V cameras in the stores and restaurant provide a high-resolution video record of customers, effectively protecting against shoplifting and while also providing a way for the building owner to monitor employee activity.
For the payment counter area, the even higher-resolution 2-megapixel IP7160 was selected, as it can provide extremely detailed video to enable accurate identification of people and a clear video record of transactions handled by the cashier-a quality that makes it widely used in banks.

The FD7130 in the delivery area serves a dual purpose, not only allowing the owner to monitor the delivery of merchandise during business hours, but also securing a potentially vulnerable point of entry for thieves at night. Its rugged design was essential for the location because vandalism is prevalent in the neighborhood. The FD7130 also provides robust tamper detection, providing notification if the video stream is interrupted by blocking of the lens or spray painting.

The building’s owner is thrilled with the results of his new Vivotek-based surveillance system. Not only has theft and trespassing been drastically reduced, with culprits made far easier to for the police to apprehend, but worker productivity has also noticeably improved with the help of the watchful eye provided by Vivotek cameras.

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