

UK home office certifies Agent Vi software

London, UK

Agent Video Intelligence receives i-LIDS Certification by UK Government's HOSDB for use as a primary detection system for operational alerts in sterile zone monitoring applications

Agent Video Intelligence Ltd. (Agent Vi) announces the certification of its Video Analytics software, Vi-System 3.3 service pack 1, by the UK Home Office Scientific Development Branch (HOSDB) for both primary detection system for operational alerts as well as event based recording in sterile zone monitoring applications. Vi-System is one of a select group of video analytics products that have been approved by the HOSDB for government use.

The HOSDB Library for Intelligent Detection Systems (i-LIDS) is an image library used to test video analytic product performance against an objective and professional benchmark. Experts at HOSDB conduct yearly testing of video analytics solutions from companies world-wide. To date, a limited number of video analytics providers have received i-LIDS certification as "primary" detection systems for operational alerts in sterile zone monitoring applications. The certification as "Primary System" indicates that a detection system can operate as a standalone system, without the support of a secondary system, due to its superb detection capabilities.

Vi-System is based on Agent Vi's patented distributed image processing architecture which enables providing the highest detection performance using a fraction of the computational resources required by competing products. A dual core server running Vi-System software can detect, track and analyze various human, vehicle and object behaviors captured by surveillance systems for 100 cameras simultaneously; it then automatically reports such activities accurately and in real-time to pre-designated security personnel. As a result of Vi-System's capabilities, security operators can increase their awareness of events of interest, while saving labor and significantly reducing the potential for human error.

"We are pleased to have passed the extensive evaluation process conducted by the HOSDB with very high marks. This certification helps to reinforce our message regarding the Vi-System's market-leading price and performance offering," said Zvika Ashani, CTO and co-founder of Agent Video Intelligence. "No competing video content analysis solution approaches the high camera to server ratios offered by Vi-System and our performance guarantee is now supported by the i-LIDS certification." Security managers using Vi-System for their sterile zone monitoring applications can be confident it has passed a rigorous approval process and will provide them with very high probability of detection and low false alarm rates.

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