

Remote video monitoring set for growth

Wellingborough, UK

In recently published research, IMS Research is forecasting significant growth in the remote video monitoring markets in both Europe and North America. Video monitoring is the fastest growing market in the remote monitoring industry and revenues are anticipated to grow at nearly 20 percent a year in Europe over the next five years; similar growth is predicted for North America.

The future looks bright for the remote video monitoring market as additional services become available. Intrusion-activated video monitoring remains popular. However, there is increasing use of services such as remote guard tours; where the video monitor operates at set times of the day. Remote monitoring for staff protection and body-guard systems are also showing signs of acceptance in the European market.

"Integrators in the UK and Benelux have warmly embraced remote video monitoring", comments report author and IMS Research analyst Niall Jenkins. "In mainland Europe, integrators in France and Germany are expected to follow suit as their rigorous video surveillance regulations are relaxed, to combat the modern threats to public and private properties."

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