

Provideo presents new business model

Taipei, Taiwan

Provideo announces what they call a breakthrough business model in the surveillance industry.

Thanks to the economic downturn, businesses in low-pricing segments are in general getting higher attention and sales are increasing. Provide has taken advatnage of this situation byhelping their clients build a surveillance centers in order to provide central monitoring services to their group of customers for recurrent revenue.

One of the successful cases is to use Provideo's SD-715-4 (4CH Video Server) at client sites. Provideo offers SDK software kit to the installer (a customer of Provideo) for building up their own CMS at their premise as a central station for the service. The images of the contracted sites will be consistantly up-streaming back to the central station and recorded. The clients can access into the system with an ID and password to playback the recorded video and/or check the site video at live.

The system may be suggested to use SD Card at site to record the video of Provideo's SD-715-4 Server as a buffer before streaming up the video to the central. This may help the service user with more evidence on video when any unexpected situation happened over internet.

This new business model has been proven feasible and will bring in income to the service providers by several successful cases.

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