

Opening doors with your mobile phone

Groenlo, The Netherlands

Nedap has successfully tested the use of mobile phone numbers as identifiers in its access control system AEOS.

Everyone knows the frustration. You left home and forgot your keys. In our private lives, this might result in a bit discomfort and perhaps some waiting, but for businesses it can have serious consequences. Imagine being a service mechanic on 24h support. Sent out to fix an urgent problem, you arrive at the site, only to find out that you haven't got the appropriate keys or badge.

Worse, imagine being the emergency services losing valuable time, because you haven't got the proper authorizations to enter a site.

In today's world almost everyone carries a mobile phone. Each mobile phone has its own unique dedicated number. In Nedap's access control system, AEOS, this number can be used to identify a person. Basically it's no different than the other identifiers that can be used in the system (e.g. RFID cards, barcodes, license plate number, passport numbers, etc.) The unique phone number is added to a person's authorization template, which means that it can be exactly specified at what locations and at which specific date and time a person can use his phone to get access to a specific location. Opening a door becomes as simple as calling a pre-specified number. With a simple phone call, you can give the command to open a door anywhere in the world.

GSM receivers have been around for some time. The real innovation is perhaps also the most invisible one; it's the fact the Nedap's access control system AEOS isn't limited to one specific means of identification.

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