

Monaco to host security and safety conference & exhibition

Monte Carlo, Monaco

Monte Carlo, Monaco, generally acknowledged as the world's safest city and country, whose security is envied around the world, plays host to a global security and safety conference. Bringing leaders and educators from across the globe, the exhibition will deal with security in a global environment of terrorism. There will be sections on natural disaster preparedness, including, fire, flood, environmental contaminations, and a touch of global warming. The conference will also deal with cyber terrorism and on the more individual level, ID theft. In our global markets with all nations intertwined economically, in trade agreements, environmentally and politically, the timeliness of the conference will have its own global impact.

Exhibitors, sponsors, speakers and educators, as well as visitors to the Exhibition will see many stateof-the-art exhibits, hear speeches from recognized international business experts as well as cyberspace technology linking all aspects of banking and finance from the wealthiest to the poorest nations. Sponsors, exhibitors and visitors will have a unique opportunity for international networking.

Created in Monaco, one of the world's recognized most secure havens for the wealthiest residents, the Market in addition to the advanced seminar structure of the event, and the touring exhibition site, also offers attendees several evening events . This social networking is an essential component of the Market, in one of the most beautiful, sophisticated entertaining cities in the world, according to the organiser.

The Monte Carlo World Security and Safety Market is open to industry leaders as well as the public.

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