

Miniaturised H.264 video encoder

West Yorkshire, UK

COE has launched the H-Box, the latest in its range of codecs and COE's first to provide the new H.264 (MPEG4 Part 10) compression standard.

This standard provides huge savings on network bandwidth and storage capacity requirements for systems operators by being up to 50 percent more efficient than the MPEG4 Part 2 standard. The reduced bandwidth and storage requirement enables surveillance system operators to save money or to use the freed resources to increase recording video frame rate or resolution. H.264 is also 80 percent more efficient than MJPEG, another commonly used format, which will enable its use on low bandwidth transmission networks such as WiFi/wireless IP infrastructures or ADSL lines.

The H-Box is fully integrated into COE's other surveillance system products including the recently launched video management system (X-Net VMS) and network video recording (X-Net NVR). H-Box can be controlled using the well-established COE SDK which has already been integrated by several leading surveillance systems suppliers. The H-Box is also ultra small - small enough to be installed within camera housings and other transmission electronics.

For operators who seek even more bandwidth savings, H-Box can dual stream so that a high quality stream is used for real time observation and a low frame rate/resolution stream is available for recording and later analysis.

"We are delighted that COE, an innovative company with extensive CCTV expertise, has taken advantage of our DaVinci product offering to support advanced video compression technology such as H.264 applications in the surveillance industry" says Cyril Clocher, business development manager, EMEA Security, Texas Instruments "Leveraging TI's high performance, DaVinci TMS320DM6446 digital media processors with COE's other MPEG-4 codecs, the architecture of the new H-Box from COE allows extensive infield upgrades, ensuring the H-Box remains flexible and always delivers the best quality possible"

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