

Lilin appoints new Group Vice President

Milton Keynes, Bedfordshire (UK)

Lilin, manufacturer of IP video solutions has appointed Jason Hill, the Managing Director of its UK operations, as Group Vice President.
The new role will see Jason holding responsibility for identifying global opportunities and exploring new international markets. Having worked in the security industry since 1990 and joining Lilin in 1998, Jason’s wealth of experience and expertise will strengthen Lilin’s global position as it continues its rapid transition to a high end IP product developer.

Jason will retain P&L responsibility for the UK operation but is handing responsibility for UK sales management to Steve Liddiard. Having been with Lilin for 7 years and with a long and successful track record in CCTV sales, Steve is the ideal employee to take over this role.

The new appointment of Jason as Group Vice President will also result in the UK operation becoming a centre of excellence for Lilin’s global marketing and will ensure the progress made in HD IP technology is replicated around the world. 2012 will see the launch of more products than any previous year for Lilin reflecting the huge R&D investment made in IP technology over the past 3 years. According to the company a number of world’s firsts will also be announced over the coming 12 months.

Commenting on his appointment Jason stated; “I am extremely proud to be given this opportunity to work on a larger stage for Lilin, bringing our new products to new markets is the sort of challenge I relish. I am equally proud that our UK marketing team have been recognised for their ability to portray the high quality of Lilin’s products in our marketing and Steve’s promotion reflects his fantastic achievements to date for our company. 2012 is going to be a year of significant global growth for Lilin based on some superb new products, new market opportunities and some highly motivated sales teams in our branch operations.”

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