

License plate camera from Taiwan

Taipei, TW

Messoa introducs the new SCB265i, a plate-capture camera featuring an intelligent "Traffic" mode that turns speed, headlights, backlighting and weather conditions into non-issues.

Ordinary camera images of fast-moving vehicles are often unclear, making it impossible to read the license plate. Lighting conditions also vary with the weather and the time of day. Ordinary cameras need frequent adjustments in daylight, darkness, rain, snow and bright sunlight in order to capture readable images of license plates. Messoa's SCB265i addresses all of these issues to provide end-users with an ideal solution to their traffic surveillance needs.

The camera features two intelligent "Traffic" modes accessible through its onscreen display (OSD) menu. Traffic 1 is for applications in which the vehicles photographed will be traveling 0-68 mph. Traffic 2 is for vehicles traveling 0-112 mph, provided there is adequate lighting. In other words, they can handle surveillance tasks involving vehicles traveling from 0-112 mph without any problems.

"We put a lot of effort into creating a camera that could capture license plates at different angles and speeds, and in variable lighting and weather conditions. We are thrilled with the result; all the license plate images are crystal clear" says Jimmy Hsu, product manager on the project.

The SCB265i utilizes digital signal processing (DSP) technology to reduce visual noise, enabling the camera to provide both sharp images and realistic color, while effectively eliminating striping. The camera can also be controlled remotely using RS-485 with Pelco P/D protocols, allowing its settings to be easily adjusted even when installed in hard-to-reach locations.

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