

IR boosts emerging touch-control technology

Northumberland, UK

Raytec's advanced RAYMAX Infra-Red illuminators are being used as a key element in state-of-the-art multi-touch user interface solutions being developed by NUI (Natural User Interface Europe AB).

NUI, based in Sweden, is at the forefront of the emerging multi-touch technology field, which is predicted to find widespread applications in areas ranging from real estate and marketing to education and public space displays.

Using sophisticated motion and fingertip precision tracking the technology allows people to interact naturally and intuitively with digital content and mobile devices - effectively transforming surfaces such as walls and tables into interactive 'screens'.

"We looked at a number of infra-red lighting options to improve the performance of our systems and found Raytec's to be simply the best quality available," says NUI CEO Harry van der Veen.

"The Raytec illuminators have very efficient cooling systems and are very reliable. Both of these benefits are particularly important to us because of the sort of clients we are dealing with, and the requirement for precision and high performance in our systems."

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