

IPSEC appoints Shenzhen agent to encourage Far Eastern participation

Coventry, UK

IP Security Events & Media Limited, organisers of IIPSEC 2007, are have announced an exciting partnership in the Far East.

To further enhance the IIPSEC experience, organisers IP Security Events & Media Limited and delighted to appoint an Agent in China to seek out complimentary technologies and innovators to occupy the Chinese village at the forthcoming IIPSEC event in January 2007.
Located in Hall 2 at Stoneleigh Park, Coventry between the 23rd and 25th of January 2007 the Chinese Village is expected to present a number of Far Eastern companies developing and manufacturing IP based Security Technologies.
Responsible for China and its provinces - Michael Yang Peng is well established in the Security industry in China and throughout the Far East - many of you may have met him at UK events. Michael is Overseas Marketing Manager of China Public Security Publishing and will be operating in partnership with Yang Jincai, Chairman of Shenzhen Security and Protection Industry Association.

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