

Intelligent video analytics processor from Analogic

Budapest, Hungary

AnaLogic Computers announces the availability of its Cellular multicore video analytics (CMVATM) processor which supports intelligent video analytics embedded in FPGA, accelerating processing speeds in intelligent security/surveillance cameras by offloading raw image pre-processing from the main processor inside the camera itself.

"It is now accepted that the functionality of intelligent video surveillance is logically migrating away from central or networked servers to the edge of the network - to the image capture device, the camera. Today, the basic platform intelligence in the camera is DSP-enabled only. Sophisticated image processing requires more. AnaLogic takes a major step forward, enabling cellular multicore parallel image processing within the camera, at the image capture point, with CMVA embedded in a FPGA, delivering a totally new level of analytics capability" says Gusztav Bartfai, CEO of Analogic.

"In most dedicated vision systems, the DSP or other main processor handles all aspects of the image processing flow by itself-starting with the computationally-intensive, pixel-level pre-processing tasks like convolution, foreground/background detection, and morphology, and then on to higher-level tasks like tracking, object classification, and high-level behavior analysis. With the introduction of CMVA, the DSP only performs the higher-level tasks while CMVA converts the raw input into useable black-and-white images of salient features. CMVA offers OEMs and systems integrators a significantly more muscular platform for running video analytics in multiple applications" says Dr. Csaba Rekeczky, AnaLogic Co-CTO and VP of research.

CMVA is the newest applied technology to emerge from AnaLogic's Cellular visual technology (CVTTM). Developed in concert with Eutecus, Inc., AnaLogic's US-based affiliate, CVT's groundbreaking architecture using massively parallel cellular array structures for ultra-fast image processing was awarded the prestigious microprocessor report analysts' choice award for innovation in February, 2007.

The CMVA system is composed of a cascade of highly optimized processing blocks embedded in FPGA, which takes over the computationally-intensive, pixel-level early tasks of the video processing flow (such as convolution, foreground/background detection, and morphology) that would otherwise be handled by the main processor inside an intelligent camera (e.g., a DSP).

CMVA is currently configured to run on the Spartan 3 FPGA (with 32 MB SDRAM) embedded in AnaLogic Computer's Bi-i 301F intelligent camera reference design and fully integrated into AnaLogic's instantvision integrated software environment. AnaLogic works closely with OEMs at all levels to help deploy CVT-based applications on a wide variety of hardware and software platforms.

In its first implementation, CMVA pre-processes 320 x 240 resolution images at a rate of 30 FPS. AnaLogic's multicore CVT architecture provides almost unlimited scope for increased pixel rate.

The individual cores that constitute the CMVA are also available as separate IP blocks for implementation in other FPGA configurations or in ASICs.

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