

Historical moment for IPS

Munich, Germany

For the fifth time IPS, specialists in video analytics and a business unit of Securiton GmbH recently arranged the IPS International Partner Meeting on the 17th November in Munich. There was another special occasion to celebrate this year: 50 years of IPS. As a consequence the event was all about history.

In addition to IPS’ sales and technology partners, the whole IPS team was also invited to the celebration. A total of 70 participants from 13 different countries were welcomed. As the meeting had taken place in the BMW-World the previous two occasions, this time the location was even more impressive: A meeting room 45 metres above the roofs of Munich.

A short introduction by IPS director Peter Treutler was followed by a welcome speech by Armin Berchtold, CEO of the Swiss Securitas Group. The following presentations were a good mix of IPS product news and historical insights into the company history and video analytics, the focus of the IPS product portfolio.

Towards the end of the early evening programme, the IPS Partner Awards were presented for the first time. These prizes were given to companies that had a significant impact on IPS’ development.

One of the 5 award winners was Securiton AG, who was honoured as partner with the strongest turnover. But also IPS received a surprise presentation during the evening. On behalf of the whole IPS business unit,

Peter Treutler received an original Swiss cowbell as a celebratory gift. After the presentations the audience was invited to network while enjoying a flying buffet at the top level of the building. A humorous performance by media magician Andreas Axmann, presenting amazing tricks on iPads, rounded off a successful event.


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