

Heitel Digital releases new series of infrared motion detectors

Molfsee, Germany

Heitel Digital Video has launched a new external motion detector product range, namely the "Heitel IMD" (IMD: Infrared Motion Detection) onto the market.
The Heitel IMD detectors are high-performance passive infrared motion detectors, which have been specially developed for external surveillance purposes. The detectors are optimised for use in security technology applications in the field of video monitoring and intrusion detection technology. For the different site and application-specific conditions there are medium-range and long-range detectors with very small angles of aperture as well as volume detectors - as surface detectors - with different ranges and corresponding sizes of angles of aperture. The mounting height of up to 4m ensures a correspondingly low risk of sabotage.

The company believes that the outstanding feature of the Heitel IMD series is its unique remote service option. Configuration and diagnoses are easily carried out on the devices locally or remotely.

“Perimeter protection and external surveillance are increasingly becoming the focus in the design of comprehensive security concepts. In the meantime, trade associations and other institutions are working on the subject in detail and developing medium-term guidelines and concepts,” explains Ulrich Schwieger, Technical Head at Heitel. “The trend that is clearly emerging is the combination of external surveillance and video-based alarm services from emergency and service control centres."

The field of application for the new detectors is no longer exclusively the traditional areas of perimeter protection; they can also be used to perfect existing and new, conventional security measures. In this way, for example, damage can be minimised by identifying break-in attempts in good time and, thanks to the corresponding alarm services, preventing them before perpetrators penetrate the building.

The “double-knock function”, a possible link between Heitel Videogateways video motion detection and IMD motion detection, in connection with the video-based alarm services of the emergency and service control centres equipped with Heitel receiver technology, results in functionally secure system solutions, which claim to have an extremely low rate of false alarms.

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