

Grenfell fire - could it have been avoided?

Zug, Switzerland

Euralarm has joined with its UK Member the FIA in expressing its sincere condolences to all those affected by the Grenfell Tower tragedy. In addition, they praise the fire service for its prompt and professional response.  

Notably, in the following statement the organisation says that the knowledge and technology readily exists to avoid such catastrophic fires on such a scale and that it will continue to campaign to improve fire safety legislation. 

"Although a fire on such a scale is unprecedented in the UK, there have been a number of similar incidents around the world. Along with other organisations in the sector, Euralarm has long expressed major concerns about the disregard for measures to establish and maintain fire safety during the lifecycle of buildings. While we must wait for a full investigation into the cause of the fire and the reasons for such rapid fire spread in this tragic incident, Euralarm will continue campaigning for improvements in fire safety legislation and standardisation throughout Europe ensuring the safety of the public and our built environment.

Enzo Peduzzi, President of Euralarm stated: “We extend our sincere condolences to the families and friends that are having to deal with the loss of loved ones and neighbours, or providing support for those that have been injured. At the same time, we express our recognition of the fire and rescue services for their courage and endurance.”

“The Grenfell Tower fire tragedy reverberates throughout the industry, and it pains us to see that fires of such dimensions are to a great extent avoidable. The knowledge and technology readily exist to assure that dwellings are safe – especially for those greatest at risk such as children and seniors.”


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