

GM automotive migrates to IP

Waterloo, Canada

SAIC-General Motors (SGM) is using Aimetis Symphony to manage its security. Aimetis Symphony gives SGM a single IP video platform for its video management, video analytics, system integration, and alarm management needs. With unhindered scalability, an intelligent, user-friendly interface, and an open platform, Symphony enables SGM to operate a unified and efficient video management system.

With more than 58,000 employees working at five plants, SAIC-GM understands the importance of safe and secure facilities. In an effort to increase security, SGM decided that it needed to overhaul its aging analogue CCTV system. An analysis of SGM's needs determined that the most important factors in selecting a new IP surveillance system would be stability, performance, and scalability.

SGM selected Aimetis Symphony as its new video management system. With Aimetis Symphony, SGM now has a single IP video platform for its video management, video analytics, system integration, and alarm management needs. With unhindered scalability, an intelligent, user-friendly interface, and an open platform, Symphony has provided SGM with a unified and efficient video management platform.

"We have been using Aimetis Symphony for more than three years, and we are thrilled with the results," said Jianhua Zhu, Project Manager at SGM IT Department. "The system is stable, reliable, and required little training. The installation process went very smoothly, and as we continue to grow, Symphony is growing with us."

"Aimetis Symphony is designed to be the perfect solution for organisations looking to expand on their existing surveillance system," said Jianhua Cao, Asia Pacific Sales Director at Aimetis. "SGM was looking for a platform that would integrate with their existing technology and Symphony has done that seamlessly. Symphony's scalability and open ecosystem allow SGM to expand at their own rate."


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