

GKB Cloud NVR manages IP surveillance through IE

Taichung, Taiwan

GKB announces that their NVR is emplyoing the latest clouding computing technology.

The Clouding Computing is the latest computing technology based on the Internet and remote server to maintain application and data. By employing the latest clouding computing technology, the GKB Cloud NVR is the very first cloud platform security solution in the world, according to GKB. To reduce the need for costly NVR PCs and servers, GKB Cloud NVR conduct remote management, live view, and playback via Windows IE browser, states the company.

The GKB Cloud NVR also supports 3G/RTSP mobile devices running Windows Mobile, Symbian, and iPhone operating system. It allows organizations, businesses, and end users to use applications without installation and any NVR software on any computer or mobile device. User can access simply from IE Browser while NVR platform supports more than efficient computing and centralized application management.

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