

Fastlane Door Detective sells itself at The Security Show inJapan

Ashford, Middlesex

The Security Show in Japan saw Integrated Design pick up a substantial order for Fastlane Door Detectives, from The Post Office & Telecommunications Company, Japan. The order was placed with IDL´s Far East Partner, Yonei on their stand at the show, and makes this the biggest single install of Fastlane Door Detectives.

The Fastlane Door Detective uses an infrared field across the door opening to monitor the passage of every individual entering and leaving through that door. The system prevents tailgating by ensuring the one person, one card rule, thereby providing effective security at any standard door where any access control system is employed. In the event of an unauthorised entry attempt, the system will provide local and remote alarm indications to alert the individual concerned as well as security personnel. The system can also lock doors and trigger cameras to monitor illegal transactions and ensure events are recorded for later analysis.
Michael Bystram, Sales & Marketing Director, IDL comments, "The Security Show in Japan was extremely busy and successful for our Fastlane brand. We had products on 5 stands including Toshiba, NTT, and NEC whilst Yonei, one of our key partners in territory, had a comprehensive display of our full range. Normally our projects are quite long term, ranging from 3 months to a few years so picking up an order at the show, especially at such a prestigious location, is particularly satisfying."

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