

Farsight invests in Chiron Iris advanced remote monitoring

Reading, Berkshire (UK)

Farsight Security Services has become the latest security monitoring provider to switch to the Iris Secure Apps alarm signalling and management system from Chiron Security Communications. Farsight sees the huge potential for remote monitoring in the UK and the partnership with Chiron is part of a long-term programme of investment in new systems and technology.
“We have ambitious plans to grow our operation and Chiron’s alarm signalling technology gives our customers some important benefits that they don’t get with any other system,” says Farsight’s UK Sales Manager, Steve Grundy. “With this more powerful solution not only can we provide full reporting and data on all aspects of alarm monitoring, we can ensure that the signal is highly secure and provide remote service and maintenance”.

Steve said, “At Farsight we like to stay ahead of our competitors, that’s why we became the UK’s first BS8418-compliant remote monitoring station in 2005. We’re still leading the field with better training and staff development and ever faster response times”.

“There was an enthusiastic response from alarm monitoring centres and security installers when we launched Iris Secure Apps last year,” says Chiron’s Claire Brown. “The system has been praised for its ground-breaking focus on what alarm signalling users really want – in particular making installation and maintenance more robust and efficient and helping reduce costs - with the introduction of the Remote Service App during 2011 this enables remote diagnostics, thus reducing field engineering costs.”

Developments are now accelerating further with the release of Iris Secure Apps 2012 due in the next few weeks. “Chiron’s project team has focused on realising more benefits for monitoring centres, security installers and their customers,” adds Claire Brown.

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