

Etrovision impresses at Russian event

Taipei, Taiwan

During the 5th international forum All-over-IP 2012, Security Expert – a major security system wholesaler in Russia – featured the latest series of Etrovision surveillance products.
Security Expert is an exclusive Etrovision distributor in Russia. All-over-IP is the primary networking event in Russia for IT and security. At the Security Expert booth, visitors were offered the opportunity to explore the new features of Etrovision IP cameras.
The Dual Shutter WDR (wide dynamic sensor with dual-shutter speed) in Etrovision IP surveillance cameras overcomes the problem of capturing a clear image in environments where both very bright and dark conditions exist. This situation frequently occurs in areas exposed to sunlight or strong artificial lighting.

At the exhibition, visitors could see first hand the benefits of the Dual Shutter WDR. In the accompanying images, a person stands in front of a bright light source. Using conventional IP camera technology part of the image is underexposed and cannot be viewed clearly. However, the image using the Dual Shutter WDR technology clearly displays both the bright background and person.

Similar lighting conditions using conventional IP cameras result in dark, indistinguishable silhouettes losing important detail such as facial features, vehicle license numbers, colours, etc. The limited exposure range only displays the brightest and darkest areas while the intermediate areas are lost. Etrovision was one of the first IP camera manufacturers to overcome this limitation with the introduction of WDR technology.

Security Expert also provided a demonstration of Etrovision’s Low Light camera line to compare the Low Light feature against other brands and the company believes that the Etrovision camera delivered a clearer, more distinct image with no visible noise.

Not only did Etrovision catch the attention of the All-over-IP visitors, but the Etrovision Low Light IP camera also received a Product Excellence award from the organisers for the outstanding performance of its Low Light technology.

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