

Enterprise-class, single-board camera reference design with wide dynamic range

Mountain View, California (USA)

Pixim Inc. announces the BDJ-2500 reference design and its accompanying camera development kit (CDK), enabling for the first time the rapid development and production of enterprise-class, single-board cameras with wide dynamic range.

The BDJ-2500 reference board, which measures 32mm by 55mm, enables "skinny" security camera applications, such as in door jambs, ATM machines, taxicabs, transit systems and minidomes. It is optimized for low bill-of-materials (BOM) cost, meaning camera makers can produce the circuit board very inexpensively, sourcing components in Asia. At the same time, it incorporates the wide dynamic range and other image quality advantages of Pixim's Digital Pixel System® technology.

"The BDJ-2500 expands the ways in which camera makers can take advantage of our Digital Pixel System technology," said John Monti, vice president of marketing and business development, Pixim. "The single-board, BOM-optimized reference design enables cameras with wide dynamic range, accurate color and improved compression to be created in different form factors than previously possible."

In addition to flush-mount applications, the single-board design also allows security camera makers to, for example, fit longer lenses into minidome enclosures for greater telephoto range.

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