

Card programming software for Mifare 1k, 4k, and DESFire Card

Guangdong, China

CVReader Card Programmer is the application software especially designed to program cards in batches for application such as access control, ticketing, e-pay, e-government, city loyalty, etc. It has features of issuing card ID, increment/decrement for Mifare 1k, 4k, and read/write DesFire card.

It reads or writes card ID from/to specified Mifare Secure Sector with authentication key. Card ID can be saved to database, so whether to reissue existed card ID in database can be selected, automatically issuing cards in quantities is available for fast process. This function can be applied to issue card ID in batches.

The Increment&Decrement vakue function realizes the Increment&Decrement from user-defined Mifare Secure Sector with authentication key. Value can be saved to database, so whether to reinitialize value initialized before can be selected to make sure of the accurate Increment and Decrement, and automatically Increment&Decrement value in quantities from Mifare cards is available for fast process. Moreover, the time how long not write to same card can be set to avoid repeated operation to the same card. Thank to its Inc&Dec Value function, the Programmer can be applied in ticketing, e-payment, etc.

''Hex Data ''can read or write data in Hex without format from/to specified Mifare Secure Sector with authentication key, and authentication key can be modified here. Automatically read or write data in Hex from/to Mifare cards in quantities is available for fast process.

''DESFire4 Card'' has the features to create and edit up to 28 applications and Max. 16 files for each application to get high security solution. There are 14 keys changeable for every application; for each file, there're 5 files types including standard Data, Backup Bata, Value, Linear Record, Cyclic Record, and 3 communication types including Plain Data, MACing and DES/3DES Full Encryption. Automatically reading or writing Data from/to DESFire card in quantities is available for fast process. ''DESFire4 Card'' can be applied to e-government, city loyalty, e-payment, etc.

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