

Borderpol expresses concerns over collapse of European borders

Ottawa, Canada

The Director General of Borderpol has issued a brief statement concerning the current migration crisis and in particular the movement of tens of thousands of people migrating away from their homelands due to failing economic conditions or civil unrest due to warring factions.

"Borderpol is disappointed with the apparent breakdown of systems designed to protect travellers who may be migrants and/or refugees. We are also gravely concerned as the apparent collapse of border security systems designed to protect the sovereign interests of the states and the good order of civil communities that have been directly affected by this unprecedented crisis. We urge all stakeholders to work together in a spirit of positive interests to find demonstrable solutions that are lawful in restoring confidence in border security, traveller/migration management systems as well as implementing fair and humane practices to ensure the sustained protection of those travellers/migrants/refugees who are most vulnerable and at risk.

Our organisation stands ready to facilitate the bringing together of likeminded individuals and groups in an effort to find consensuses based solutions built on practical and principled ideas."

The 4th annual World Borderpol Congress takes place in The Hague, Netherlands on 8th to 10th December 2015.


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