

Aver Wifi NVR secures Swedish fashion store

Taipei, Taiwan

Scaasi, an upmarket fashion retailer in Sweden has turned to Aver Information to help avoid the ongoing problems with shoplifting and organised theft in it's store.

Scaasi fashion store, established by Arnold Scaasi, an acclaimed fashion designer who became famous worldwide by creating gowns for First ladies such as Hillary Clinton as well as notable personalities such as Elizabeth Taylor, had been bothered by the thefts targeting trendy outfits and glamorous evening dresses.

After taking into account the importance of the security of the properties in question combined with the necessary surveillance integration the store owner together with the security company decided to choose Aver’s Averdigi EXR6004 Wifi, a 4Ch Plug-n-Play wireless NVR, and Averdigi SF1301W, the megapixel IP camera, for this application.

The ease-of- installation of the Wifi NVR has been a perfect fit for the relatively small perimeter of this fashion store and required no prior NVR knowledge whatsoever for the operator because it comes with a true plug-and-play feature, Linux platform with intelligent GUI, a mouse, and most importantly, pre-configured wireless megapixel Averdigi IP cameras for instant connection to the router. In addition, the store owner has incorporated the Averdigi EXR6004 Wifi with a contract through Trygg Butik security, who as soon as any theft, suspicious activity or vandalism is spotted can send response personnel to the store for immediate backup.

The technology and ease-of-installation functions of Averdigi EXR6004 Wifi was recognised at the Ifsec Security Industry Awards 2009 and also at the Taiwan Excellence Awards in 2010 with its stable wireless connection feature and trouble-free device setup making it an ideal choice for a home or small business surveillance system.

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