This year, for the first time, a new category has been added, recognising outstanding partners offering Central Monitoring services.
Sonda has been named the Agent Vi Outstanding Partner of the Year for 2017, for demonstrating high levels of technical expertise regarding Agent Vi solutions, and for working closely with Agent Vi to deliver best-of-breed solutions. Among other project wins, Sonda is to be commended for exceptional professionalism in delivering a large-scale Agent Vi deployment for a prestigious government facility in Uruguay during 2017.
Siemens Industry Inc. (Memphis, TN Branch), has been given the Agent Vi Channel Partner Award for North America for their commitment to capitalise on Agent Vi’s technologies and deliver innovative solutions that helped facilitate a major project win in the higher education vertical.
Exanet has been awarded the Agent Vi Channel Partner Award for Central America & Latin America for their ongoing investment in promoting Agent Vi in the Argentinean market, and for their professionalism in winning large-scale Agent Vi deployments, including the prestigious Vicente Lopez Safe City project.
Telelink will receive the Agent Vi Channel Partner Award for Europe, Middle East & Africa for exceptional service in delivering Agent Vi’s solutions to their customers, and their dedication to Agent Vi in helping facilitate a major Safe City project win.
ST Electronics (Info-Comm Systems) has been awarded the Agent Vi Channel Partner Award for Asia-Pacific for its commitment to Agent Vi, and expertise in delivering a large-scale Agent Vi deployment within an important government project, part of the Singapore Smart & Safe City initiative.
Eyeforce is being given the Agent Vi Central Monitoring Partner Award for North America for its exceptional partnership, diligence and dedication to Agent Vi, as evidenced through joint marketing and technical collaboration that has served to enhance the innoVi offering as their video intrusion detection service.
Securitas AB and its affiliate country operations in Europe will receive the Agent Vi Central Monitoring Partner Award for Europe as the largest European Central Monitoring business to adopt Innovi as the core of its remote monitoring services in Europe. Since then, Securitas has delivered Innovi's unparalleled intrusion detection capabilities to its customers throughout the region.