

Acumen reports sales growth in 2009

Taipei, Taiwan

Despite the economic crisis around the world, ACUMEN (branded as AI) has had a great increase sales volume during 2009, an increase much better than previous years.

According to their statistic, Acumen has acheived sales growth in Europe, Middle East, Latin American and Asian, and especially in Pakistan and Iran. Moreover, the sales have raised 47.5 % in Russia and the USSR territory in 2009.

In 2009, ACUMEN have expended their markets into 157 countries around the world. In the year, they had successfully made their exhibitions in Russia, United Arabia Emirates, America, Germany, England, India, Mexico, Syria, South Africa, Iran, Kazakh and Ukraine.

Mr. Dennis Ilin, president of Acumen, said "We cherish all the suggestions and inquiries from our clients and prospectives, as those are the motivation for ACUMEN to provide and better our products and services to all of our customers. We certainly hope it will be another successful year for ACUMEN in 2010."

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