The Dahua solutions helps meet the needs of multiple scenarios. One violation enforcement unit integrates ANPR, traffic violation detection, speed measurement, traffic flow detection, driver behaviour analysis, and other intelligent functions to meet the needs of effective traffic enforcement in various scenarios.
Utilising SPC, Glowlight to enhance monitoring
Strong ambient light during daytime can lead to insufficient illumination in the vehicle and poor data acquisition rate. Therefore, supplemental illumination of the target is required while suppressing the ambient light. The SPC constructs an optical model by modulating the spectral channels and adding polarizers to effectively capture violations inside a vehicle throughout the day.
Moreover, Dahua also adopts advanced GS-CMOS image sensor and high-performance AI processor, integrates deep learning algorithms, and upgrades image effects using Darklight technology. It realises clear and vivid images without colour deviation under 80lx ultra-low illumination, reducing light pollution while improving the effectiveness of traffic enforcement and ensuring driving safety 24/7.
In addition, the RVF (Radar & Vision Fusion) technology enables a complete movement path of the vehicle in one visual display page. Traffic-related deep learning algorithms are used to capture vehicle metadata (e.g. ANPR, colour, logo, model) and to detect traffic violation (e.g. overspeeding, not wearing seatbet/helmet, beating the red light, etc.), with capturing rate and accuracy rate of more than 99% and 98% respectively. Also, this solution utilises Doppler Radar that can cover 4, 6 and 8 lanes (customisable) and is specified to detect up to 128 targets with speed range of 5-300 km/h and speed measurement error of ± 2%.
AI-based enforcement helps minimize costs
The cameras can simultaneously support violation detection, speed measurement, and traffic flow detection, realising full-service edge intelligence in road scenarios. The number of devices is also narrowed down from at least 3 to 1. What’s more, the Dahua Intelligent Traffic Solution also eliminates the need for intelligent servers and transmission devices, which reduces the cost of constructing an intersection surveillance by at least 80%.
Reducing the carbon footprint
This solution presents an integrated all-in-one design in order to generate a variety of products and meet various customer requirements. With reduced number of devices needed for traffic enforcement, this solution can significantly reduce equipment and installation costs, and minimize carbon emissions and carbon footprints at the same time.
Overall, the Dahua Intelligent Traffic Solution integrates high-performance devices and management platforms with constant innovation and customization to cover a variety of urban road traffic and smart parking scenarios such as intersections, expressways, bridges and city roads. Dahua’s ITS products can help solve transportation system issues with professional capabilities and aim to respond to low-carbon actions, promote green living and help cities develop sustainably, enabling a safer society and smarter living.