Detektor International Awards-juryens motiveringer blev oplæst af AR Medias adm. dir. Lennart Alexandrie fra scenen på Sikkerhedsbanketten på Scandic Copenhagen onsdag aften, hvor ca. 150 sikkerhedsfagfolk var samlet til banketmiddag, prisuddeling og underholdning.
Detektor International Awards-juryens kriterier for innovation omfatter ikke kun den tekniske løsning, men også hvordan et produkt præsenteres og emballeres. Et produkt behøver i denne sammenhæng ikke være en fysisk genstand, men kan lige så godt være en tjenesteydelse.
Sådan blev resultatet, da årets bedste sikkerhedsprodukter blev præsenteret, sammen med juryens kommentarer:
Kategori Access Control
Best Product Award:
iLoq S10 fra iLoq Ltd (Finland)
Elektromekanisk lås med fleksible administrationsmuligheder og egen strømforsyning.
Juryens motivering: "This cost-efficient, flexible and green electronic locking system is nothing but a sensational, outstanding product solution with an enormous market potential. An undisputed winner ind its product category 2008."
Highly Commended Product Award:
Diadem Smarti fra TAB Systems (Slovenien)
Ansigts- og stemmegenkendelse med høj pålidelighed samt integreret bevægelsesdetektor mm.
Juryens motivering: "With Diadem, TAB Systems has succeeded ind developing an economic and smart access control solution that, ind addition to keeping unauthorised people at bay through multimodal biometrics, also offers time attendance and other useful extra functions."
Innovative Achievement Awards:
RKL55 fra HID (USA)
Læser til kontaktløse kort og PIN med LCD-skærm og forbedrede muligheder for interaktion.
Juryens motivering: "With the RKL55, HID offers enhanced interactivity at the door, thanks to the new OSDP protocol which may represent the future of open platform readers."
RF30EM fra Siemens Building Technologies Security Products (Tyskland)
Flerfunktionsprodukt med proxy-læser og PIN, bruges fritstående eller som del af et større system.
Juryens motivering: "This all-ind-one product consists of a reader, lock, door controller and power supply. It communicates wirelessly and offers online communication as well, which makes it a highly competitive solution."
Kategori Alarm and Detection
Best Product Award:
Hemi-Directional Loudspeaker fra Bosch Security Systems (Tyskland)
Letinstalleret, innovativ højttaler med lang rækkevidde og konsekvent, høj lydkvalitet.
Juryens motivering: "With coverage of a fuld 600 square metres for one Hemi-Directional Loudspeaker, Bosch Security Systems offers a cost effective high quality voice alarm function, with additional opportunities to reproduce music and announcements, which further justifies an investment ind this product. Stunning ind its simplicity and advanced technology at the same time."
Highly Commended Product Award:
T5000 fra Thruvision (Storbritannien)
Et portabelt elektromagnetisk kamera, som opdager objekter skjult under tøj eller lignende.
Juryens motivering: "The T5000 increases the security at key checkpoints ind different critical environments, such as border control. It's ability to detect potentially dangerous or illegal objects on a person, moving or stationary, without exposing the subject to any harm or revealing any body details is really a milestone ind critical applications."
Innovative Achievement Award:
Galaxy Dimension fra Honeywell (USA)
Lethåndterligt system, som kombinerer indbrudsalarm med avanceret adgangskontrol og lydverificering.
Juryens motivering: "With an integrated approach, the Galaxy Dimension is a solid offer to end-users that are looking for a solution combining alarm and access control. The system efficiently reduces false alarms thanks to the audio verification functionality and its easy user interface."
Kategori CCTV
Best Product Award:
Axis P3301 fra Axis (Sverige)
Dome-kamera med den nye chip Artpec-3, som medfører forbedret billedhåndtering og komprimering.
Juryens motivering: "Axis P3301 is the powerful answer to the market demand for a feature-rich surveillance camera able to offer an outstanding picture quality, ind fuld frame rate or individually optimised for different quality needs and bandwidth constraints. This is a truly winning concept for a wide range of video surveillance applications."
Highly Commended Product Award:
IVA 3.5 fra Bosch Security Systems (Tyskland)
Et opdateret system til intelligent videoanalyse, bl.a. med nye farvefiltreringsfunktioner.
Juryens motivering: "This complete portfolio of intelligent video functions can successfully enhance the effectiveness of any security surveillance system. Its complexity, scalability, and well designed user interface confirms the advantages that edge-based video analytics can bring to the security market."
Innovative Achievement Awards:
NSR-1000 Series fra Sony (Japan)
Netværksserver til overvågning, som håndterer såvel analoge som digitale kameraer.
Juryens motivering: "With the NSR-1000 Series, Sony has developed a plug and play system for video surveillance that supports both analogue and IP cameras. It is an achievement of exceptional value to end-users looking for a security package, avoiding the hassle and costs of complicated installation and configuration."
Q22 fra Mobotix (Tyskland)
Et diskret, hemisfærisk netværkskamera med høj opløsning og 360 graders dækningsområde.
Juryens motivering: "This cost effective, compact camera offers an overview video stream of a room with opportunities to virtually pan, tilt and zoom while still recording the overview scene. The option of event-controlled recording directly to the camera is another added value that deserves recognition from the global security market."