Heriot Road
KT16 9DT
United Kingdom
Om virksomheden
Hanwha Vision is a global leader developing and manufacturing video surveillance solutions. With over 40 years of expertise and background gained in developing precision engineering, optical engineering, and image processing equipment, we supply an extensive range of open platform CCTV cameras that incorporate specialist analytics software suitable for small to enterprise solutions.
With its headquarters in Korea, Hanwha Vision is proud of the contribution it is making to its country’s reputation for designing, developing and producing quality, innovative products which make a real difference to people’s lives.
For more information about Hanwha Vision, visit our website: www.hanwhavision.eu
Follow us on social media:
Twitter: @HanwhaVisionEU
YouTube: @HanwhaVisionEurope
Instagram: @Hanwhavisioneurope
LinkedIn: @hanwha-vision-europe
Facebook: @HanwhaVisionEurope
Wisenet Q seriesEntry level cameras which deliver feature rich 2MP or 4MP images.
Cameras which are supercharged by the most powerful chipset ever incorporated into a full camera range.
Thermal cameras which capture images at up to 640 x 480 resolution. In addition, Public View Monitoring camera, ATEX Explosion proof camera and Positioning camera.
Video Management Software (VMS) makes it almost effortless to display up to 64 high definition.
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Nyt AI-kamera til detaljer i øjenhøjde
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AI i entry level-kameraer fra Hanwha Vision
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Wisenet7 kameraer med cybersikkerhedscertifikat
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