

SSEDIC helps set parameters for Single European Digital Identity Community

Rome, Italy

The SSEDIC, Scoping the Single European Identity Community, has published its recommendations to support the European Commission (EC) in setting priorities for achieving a Single European Digital Identity Community.
The thematic network has identified the need to encourage mobile eID eGovernment services adoption, harmonisation of attribute management and exchange, rationalising the choice of authentication assurance and liability, as the four key areas for action.

The SSEDIC recommendations are the culmination of an intensive three-year consultation with over 200 European and international eID experts and stakeholder organisations.

The recommendation inlcude encouraging mobile eID eGovernment services adoption, in that EU Member States should be encouraged to accept mobile eIDs, as being acceptable and ‘notifiable’ credential for eGovernment use.
Harmonisation of attribute management and exchange.  In addition it is suggested that the EC should fund the development of a normative framework to balance user rights to privacy with the need of online service providers/eGovernment services to use, process and exchange user attributes.  Attention should be paid on how this can be done adequately in an interoperability scenario. Special attention should be paid to attribute trade and reputational/behavioural attributes that are generated through the use of online services.

It is also recommended that the choice of authentication assurance should be rationalised.  To achieve this the SSEDIC advises that the EC should promote the establishment of an appropriate, easy-to-use framework for the assessment of authentication technologies including alternative authentication methods, so that they can be exploited where appropriate, or discounted where not suitable.

In addition the EC should review the liability provisions in the eID and trust services regulation to ensure that they are clear with respect to liability limitations and any possibility of liability caps. Various options are possible, ranging from no liability, unlimited liability to explicitly specifying liability caps in terms of financial amounts; this topic must be carefully considered. The primary requirement is that liability implications are clear to anyone who relies on the trustworthiness of identities covered by the regulation.

Cordinator at SSEDIC, Professor Mauritzio Talomo comments: “By addressing these priorities as a matter of urgency the EU will has made major strides towards interoperable and convenient solutions for digital identity management in a single European digital community."

As part of its recommendations SSEDIC is providing the EC with action points to help engage with stakeholders in the Internet, telecom, finance, travel and the postal service sectors that are either currently using, or developing eID solutions. It is also encouraging local level adoption of eID solutions for e-government and small businesses. Professor Talamo explains: “Citizens typically have much more frequent interaction with local entities and businesses, than with regional or national agencies and this is an area that has too often been neglected."

SSEDIC has also identified an urgent need to address end-user attitudes, as Professor Talamo adds: “During the project we conducted two large surveys in this area, which revealed some scepticism regarding the benefits of using eID technologies that must be addressed, as well as high expectations of national governments and the EU to improve cross-border usability of eIDs for both public and private sector applications."

With over 100 experts from more than 30 partner organisations and more than 30 associate partners from the EU, USA, Russia and Asia, SSEDIC has become the broadest resource of eID expertise in Europe. In response to demand to continue the working relationships established, SSEDIC is currently developing a framework and means through which the community can collaborate and contribute.

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