

Dedicated night vision event on 11th of March 2008

Cambridgeshire, UK

Night vision is a technology whose application now extends way beyond its military roots. Such is its scope that specialist conference organiser Tangent Link is holding a dedicated one-day conference on the subject. Internationally renowned experts in the field will be joined by companies representing a range of night vision disciplines.

The keynote address will be given by Attila Simon from the Research and Technology - Sensors Directorate of the European Defence Agency. Speakers include Alex Toet of TNO Netherlands who will be talking about full colour NV systems and Tim Bushell of Oxley whose subject is NV lighting in the 21st century.

One of the main exhibitors is Flir Systems, the world's largest manufacturer of infrared systems. This is a company that has been able to commercialise the technology effectively thanks to the worldwide demand for its detector cores. As a result Flir Systems' thermal imaging has become a method of detection bringing wide-ranging benefits to those wishing to increase their situational awareness.

Entitled 'Recapture the Night with Night Vision Technology' this one-day event is on 11th March 2008 at the Imperial War Museum in Duxford, Cambridgeshire. Delegate rates range from £180 +VAT and those wishing to register should contact Geraldine McKenzie on

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