

Umbo launches new Webhook API for light video AI

Taipei, Taiwan

Umbo Computer Vision, an artificial intelligence company building autonomous video security systems, is now proud to offer a Webhook API to allow monitoring and viewing of events via the user's own applications and making Umbo Light more powerful than ever before.

Umbo Light is now opening its Umbo Light to the wider business world with a Webhook API. With this new feature, Light customers can receive Light’s industry-leading human intrusion accurate alerts on their own systems at the same time as they receive them within our Smart Cloud platform.

A Webhook is a user defined HTTP callback method for retrieving information from a web application in real time. Once released, the Webhook can be easily set up within the settings screen inside current Smart Cloud accounts. Utilising the easy-to-understand documentation, customers can now integrate Light human intrusion and behaviour alerts into their own internal systems, handling notifications the way they want them. For Umbo learning Camera owners, Webhooks can be received for not only all of Light’s Event types but also camera statuses.

Light subscribers who are interested in using the API can contact their account managers for trial access. 

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