

Geutebruck adds powerful video engine

Windhagen, Germany

The new Geutebruck G-Core 1.4.2 is a powerful video engine now provided on all G-Scopes making it easier to find out what happened when an incident occurs, both live and when evaluating recorded images.

The new Spot Monitor Recording plugin facilitates object tracking. Users can drag various cameras onto the Spot Monitor and view images live, record them simultaneously on another channel and then easily export the overview created using the Spot Monitor. For example, security services might observe a shoplifter using multiple cameras, making it possible to quickly and easily save the entire event on a storage medium and hand it over to the police. The entire surveillance procedure is documented on the Spot Monitor channel from start to finish. Users only need to specify the start and stop times and the backup is ready.

The new metadata motion search, abbreviated to MOS, represents a further optimisation in event analysis. With MOS, users can search for specific movements in freely definable image areas – of course, in both live and in recorded images. A special feature: Movement data is stored in an SQL database, video streams in Geutebruck's proprietary video database. This dual architecture provides twice the security, setting what Geutebruck believes is a new standard in access speed and flexibility. Consequently, search results are available significantly faster than with many other solutions on the video market. Event analysis has been designed to be extremely convenient  for the user.


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