

CEM AC2000 airport edition software available

Belfast, Northern Ireland (UK)

CEM Systems has released version 5.0 of its flagship CEM AC2000 AE (Airport Edition) security management system. Significant changes include a new look and feel for the front-end applications, support for the Linux operating system, unlimited airport definable fields and the ability to enrol and manage biometric iris templates via the access system.

The CEM AC2000 AE system is specifically designed for airports and provides advanced access control and a highly reliable security management solution. In addition to supporting advanced CEM card readers with on-board databases and airport-specific door modes, the system also offers a host of features that help airport management operate their facilities more efficiently. These key features include check-in desk enabling, passenger segregation, air bridge monitoring, taxi management and much more.

?gThis release marks our commitment to continually develop the CEM AC2000 AE system as a leading airport-specific access control solution?h, comments Andrew Fulton, business development director of Tyco Fire & Security?fs CEM products ?gWith over 20 years working in consultation with our airport clients, we have developed the system to comply with legislative changes and requirements in the aviation industry, making it one of the most comprehensive access control solutions available for airports today. With over 80% of UK airports and many other airports worldwide using our system, we are confident that the new version will maintain CEM?fs position as a leading provider of airport-specific access control solutions?h Fulton continues.

There are a host of new features available with AC2000 AE v5.0 including:

?o New ?glook and feel?h to front-end applications. The new generation software for CEM AC2000 AE offers a contemporary new look and feel for front-end operator workstations running under Windows XP.

?o Ability to enrol and manage biometric iris templates directly from the AC2000 AE system. Iris templates can be captured via the AC2000 AE enrolment station while the cardholder details are entered. Instead of using third party biometric equipment and software, templates can be stored directly on the AC2000 AE server and distributed to CEM devices at control points via the network. This eliminates the need for two separate networks and enrolment processes as well as providing streamlined management of large numbers of templates or biometric points.

?o Ability to run on the Fedora Linux operating system as well the existing SCO UNIX platform, making the system more affordable for smaller airports. A Linux server offers similar benefits to UNIX, such as reliability and flexibility, but at a lower cost.

?o Airport-specific application screens such as holders, authorisers, airport utilities, designed to fit with the operations and procedures within the airport.

?o Airport-specific user fields: IATA code, airport references, authorisers, quota?fs

?o Unlimited airport-definable fields. Each airport?fs system can be configured to capture data that is appropriate and relevant.

?o Invoice reporting & automatic report scheduler. Schedule reports to run automatically for purposes such as throughput and invoicing.

?o Airport Visitor Management. Manage, trace and record visitor access control throughout airports.

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