

Cyber crime may have an impact on Smart Buildings market

Stockkholm, Sweden

The 2017 study from Memoori offers an objective assessment of the market for cyber security software, services & hardware in smart commercial buildings 2017 to 2021.

Smart Buildings have a great future, but unless we can secure connectivity right across the building making it impregnable from cyber crimes, customers will hold back and only invest when they are convinced that the benefits outweigh the risk. This could have a negative impact on the demand for really smart buildings and other prime markets for the Internet of Things (IoT).

This brand new report "Cyber Security in Smart Commercial Buildings 2017 - 2021" is built on Memoori's portfolio of building technology related research. It presents an objective assessment of the current state of the market for Cyber Security in the Smart Buildings sector. The focus is on sizing and opportunities for smart commercial buildings, providing a fresh market assessment based upon the latest information.

Market sizing and market opportunities data is provided for four regions representing the main international markets of North America, Europe, Asia Pacific and The Rest of the World. Market sizing projections are broken down in terms of hardware, software and services.

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