

Webway G-Series and Webwayworld

Newbury, Berkshire

Webway Systems has just launched the G-Series, Webwayworld and Imaging and there's more to come before Ifsec.
The Webway G-Series is the GPRS/PSTN dual path signalling solution with more as standard. Specifically packaged and priced for the installer market G-Series is the complete signalling solution. Signal extended format alarms, DD263 UDL securely over the GPRS radio path and monitor networks to G2, 3 and 4 standards. G-Series has everything you need today and tomorrow with IP technology on board too.

Webwayworld is the company's new and simple online system for ordering, configuration and management of connections. Webwayworld helps you make better decisions to reduce costs and improve service with real time on line reports, graphs and diagnostics.

Webway Imaging is the perfect partner for legacy or new installations to verify intruder, panic and other events. Control the transmission of images using the SIA (extended format) alarm messages from the alarm panel. Fully integrated to all leading manufacturers systems, Axis, Vista and HIK Vision IP cameras Imaging is available from Southern & Northern Monitoring, EMCS and Corps Monitoring Services. Ongoing fees include alarm transmission, DD263 UDL, Grade 4 network monitoring and image transmission over IP or GPRS.

Webway Gateway is a set of unique, automatic, powerful and highly resilient Gateway servers designed by the Webway expert team of communications specialists. Gateways control the flow of data to and from remote Webway devices and the alarm panel. The Gateway controls who has access, which sites can be accesses, encryption keys and updates. Automatic remote re-keying of every devices security protocol occurs every day, keeping your Webway a step ahead.

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