Edward Knoch, Project Manager at Spotter RF, says that the perimeter market is growing because of mainly two reasons: physical penetrations of properties and the terrorist threat. He says: “If you ignore perimeter protection, then you are ignoring a critical piece of your security portfolio.” Genetec Regional Sales Director Nick D´hoedt says perimeter security has changed and while we were looking at a couple of hundred metres away from the boundaries before, today it can be multiple kilometres. Mark Cosgrave, Division Manager for Western Europe at Optex, stresses that every technology has its strengths and its weaknesses – what is important is that you tailor the product to the application. He says: “It is important to ensure that you have a layered protection solution, so you cannot just depend on using one particular type of sensing technology, it is important to incorporate the technologies together, to create a harmony.”
Today, perimeter security has become 3D because of the threat of drones. “The technologies that are best suited for the three-dimensional paradigm are typically specified in volumes of coverage as opposed to area coverage”, says Dave Romero, Managing Partner at Black Sage. Jimmy Ek, Sales Manager, Nordics, Axis Communications, says that the drone threat has led to customers requesting open systems. Lucas Le Belle, CEO of Cerbair, believes the Western governments are taking the drone threat seriously but are still not ready for it and there will be an attack taking place sooner or later. To view the video in full click here: