

SIA to introduce new code of conduct and upgrade qualifications

London, UK

A code of conduct will describe how a “fit and proper” person should behave.

The Security Industry Association, SIA, has announced that it intends to introduce a code of conduct for security operatives. When the the new code comes into operation all licence holders and licence applicants will have to follow it.  The organisation will also be updating the qualifications needed for an SIA licence.

The SIA has not yet set a date for when the code of conduct will come into operation and they are now working out what the code should include.

The SIA has a legal responsibility to make sure that only “fit and proper” people hold an SIA licence. According to the SIA, the Private Security Industry Act 2001 uses this phrase but does not explain exactly what it means. A code of conduct will describe how a “fit and proper” person should behave. It will be aimed at improving standards within the private security industry and help to keep the public safe.

The updated qualifications also announced will be in two sections, the first for new applicants and the second will be top-up training for current door supervisors and security guards.

Firstly, for new applicants, from 1 April 2021, the SIA will introduce new licence-linked qualifications and it will require door supervisors and security guards to obtain the Emergency First Aid at Work qualification before they take their licence-linked training.

The new top-up training rules will come into operation from October 2021, when door supervisors and security guards will need to complete top-up training before they renew their licence.

The SIA explains that this top-up training has been developed to make sure current Door Supervisor and Security Guard licence holders have the same basic skills and knowledge. The top-up training will also bridge the gap between the existing and new qualifications, as it will include elements of the new content that is being introduced.


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