

SIA makes changes to ID requirements

London, UK

The Security Industry Authority (SIA) is making changes to the way that people need to prove their identity when applying for a licence. This means that applicants will need to visit the Post Office with their identity documents. These new rules will come into effect on 15th February 2019.

The SIA is obliged to follow the identity document requirements of the Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS), which are set by the Home Office. These changes will bring the SIA into line with evolving central government guidelines.

Until now, people renewing their licence or applying for a licence in an additional sector have only been asked to submit identity documents in certain circumstances, e.g. if they have changed their address since their previous application. From 15 February the full document requirements will apply to everyone, regardless of whether they are applying for a new licence, renewing their existing licence or applying for a licence in an additional sector.

This will mean that people who previously would not have been asked to complete their application at the Post Office will now be required to do so. Businesses using the Licence Management service will not be able to accept two Group A documents as they have in the past. They will need to follow the new document requirements.

The SIA will ask applicants to present one Group A document and two Group B documents in support of their application. At least one of the documents must show date of birth and any address shown on these documents must match the address given in the application.

The documents must be originals, not copies, so applicants will need to plan ahead as they may need to contact banks, utility companies, or local authorities in order to get these. A full list of ‘Group A’ and ‘Group B’ documents is available on the SIA website.

These documents are checked by the applicant’s employer (if they use our Licence Management service), the post office or (in some circumstances) directly by SIA staff.


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