

RVR to show its IP technology at IFSEC 2007

Gloucestershire, UK

At IFSEC 2007, Remote Video Response will demonstrate how it has become the first RVRC to fully integrate IP technology into a common front end.

The new integration capability has been brought about in partnership with Essa, with whom RVR has been working for many years in delivering monitoring solutions. The list of products supported by RVR through its new chameleon servers include all of the major manufacturers as well as the 'niche' technology providers: DM (NDS2, SD, DVIP); full integration of Vision Fire & Security's ADPRO range through a smart VCG integration; Hi-tel; Smart-tel; Cam-tel; and initsys. Through Chameleon it is able to provide full integration of over 100 dedicated IP technologies.

"Once again RVR has taken the lead in remote video surveillance, and is at the forefront of harnessing new technologies to deliver unrivalled services to installers and their customers. IP is clearly the way of the future; it is proving itself as a credible form of transmitting data, where the cost of doing so is drastically reduced, and the efficiency similarly drastically increased" says Colin Walters, general manager of RVR.

"Whilst others have been 'jumping on the band wagon', our launch is the result of more than 18 months of analysis, research and trials, including considerable resource allocated to overcome the former 'Achilles heel' of IP monitoring and ensure that the security of the data being transmitted is robust" Colin continues.

As well as the new front end, RVR will also be demonstrating how it is investing significantly in new recording systems compliant with latest regulations and guidelines for providing evidential quality recordings.

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