

Raytec lighting transforms security for national bank

Ashington, Northumberland (UK) and Bucharest, Romania

The detailed images are helping the cameras’ inbuilt analytics to detect and analyse incidents more accurately.

As part of a large upgrade to an IP surveillance system, the National Bank of Romania, has deployed, both infrared and white-light LED lighting solutions from Raytec, at its multi-site locations to deliver a huge improvement to surveillance image quality at night, and to create a safer, more effective working environment.

Security at the bank is strict, especially at the headquarters. The perimeter and access corridors are monitored by the bank’s camera system 24/7, but previously they were much more vulnerable during the hours of darkness.

The previous surveillance system, using analogue cameras, had no professional lighting – making use of street lighting where possible. The images were dark and grainy with an uneven light coverage making facial recognition totally impossible. It was also very difficult to raise accurate alarms based on the poor information in the images.

Leading and managing the upgrade project was distributor Lantec, who urged the move towards the Raytec LED surveillance lighting and Mobotix MP IP cameras. “We have worked with Raytec for over ten years”, comments Radu Cristea, Lantec General Manager, “and we knew that their LED lighting would be the best solution to help the new IP cameras deliver a very high level of detail at night. Having never used video surveillance lighting before, the customer was also very attracted to the fact that the Raytec illuminators offered a ten year life and needed zero maintenance”.

Working together, Lantec and system integrator Rasirom specified Raytec’s Raymax infrared illuminators for use around the perimeter and both internal and external access ways. The final night-time images are a vast improvement. Every image is evenly illuminated and shows exceptional clarity and detail - with no bright or dark spots. The detailed images are also helping the cameras’ inbuilt analytics to detect and analyse incidents more accurately, resulting in fewer false alarms.

“The bank is very satisfied with the night time images and reliability of the information generated by the infrared lighting” confirms Radu. “They are especially pleased that they can zoom in on any subject anywhere in the image in great detail. It’s also an added benefit that the IR is invisible and does not cause additional light pollution”.

Lantec also recognised that they could solve some of the bank’s additional security needs that extended beyond surveillance, by introducing some of Raytec’s specialist visible white-light solutions.

In particular, some of the branch cash processing centres and under vehicle check areas suffered from poor visibility as a result of little natural lighting. This made operations and inspection very difficult. To address this weakness, Raytec’s ceiling mounted Urban Bay lighting was installed in the cashing areas, along with simple low-voltage Vario lighting mounted at ground level in the vehicle inspection bays. The result is a highly targeted illumination delivering a brighter, more natural lighting environment which makes it easier and quicker to perform tasks more accurately.

David Lambert, Raytec MD (joint) comments: “We’re delighted that with the help of our long-term partner, Lantec, we’ve been able to help the bank to solve so many different security issues with LED lighting. Whilst good camera lighting is essential for night-time surveillance, lighting for people is just as important for ensuring the best safety, productivity and operational effectiveness at all times.”


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