

Mirasys expands into Middle Eastern markets in globalisation strategy

London, UK

Mirasys will actively seek partnerships with distributors and integrators in each of the Middle Eastern markets to make the most of rich local business opportunities in a new expansion strategy.
The company is moving into the the Gulf states as part of a continued focus on global expansion. Mirasys’ move into the region is supported by new partners in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (KSA), UAE, Qatar, Bahrain and Kuwait, and comes shortly after Mirasys’ Indian operation was announced in November 2010.

Mirasys’s move into the Gulf has been spurred by increased demand for VMS software that is particularly targeted at wide-area surveillance infrastructure utilised by multi-site organisations. In addition to offering VMS support for smaller businesses, Mirasys will target key vertical sectors including shopping centres and educational institutes, in addition to public sector and homeland security. Mirasys aims to become a dominant player in the Gulf market, offering support for IP, analogue and hybrid systems through an open platform approach. Current customers include Al Hamra Shopping Mall in Ras al-Khaimah (UAE), supplied by JVC partner Oasis Enterprises.

The Gulf mission will be lead by Yasin Hamed who has been appointed as general manager. A former technology business executive at Nokia with over 20 years of IT and Telecoms industry expertise, Hamed brings experience in international sales, market development, business strategy, opportunity analysis and long-term relationship and account management. Hamed has a proven track record in his ability to build strategic partnerships in demanding business environments.

Looking forward to the challenge ahead, Hamed stated that, “Mirasys Ltd is a worldwide leader in open platform VMS software, as highlighted by IMS’ Quarterly Market Share, and I am delighted to be leading the business’ corporate expansion into the lucrative Gulf market.

Mirasys offers a full featured IP solution, with Arabic language options and rich support for video intelligence, and the ability to combine these features with hybrid capabilities and a sound pricing platform allows for a strong competitive advantage”. Hamed went on to comment, “We are actively seeking partnerships with distributors and integrators in GCC countries and the initial discussions that we have had have been extremely positive. ”

“With interest in IP surveillance increasing, the move into the Gulf regions is a huge opportunity for Mirasys. Yasin Hamed is a great addition to the Mirasys team, and working in a challenging new market means that this venture will be an exhilerating prospect for everyone involved,” said Jukka Riivari, chief executive officer, Mirasys. “Mirasys is proud to have 35,000 customers around the globe with approximately 500,000 cameras connected to Mirasys software, and this latest expansion will allow us to grow further, offering high class CCTV monitoring solutions in an exciting and ever changing region.”

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