

Marina protected by Ganz

London, UK

As part of ongoing facility investments Hartlepool Marina is now being protected by the very latest Ganz C-Allview high-speed ruggedised PTZ cameras.

Hartlepool is one of Europe's leading marina locations, with numerous shops, restaurants, pubs and tourist attractions as well as more than 500 fully serviced pontoon and quayside berths.

Now security controllers at the site have greatly improved views of key areas thanks to the robustness and flexibility of the C-Allviews.

"Because the Ganz units are a lot more rugged than other cameras we have been able to install them much closer to ground level," explains Jonathan Nattrass, MD of Euro Security.

"This gives them a better field of view and makes it easier for the security staff to watch over the site."

One unit, has been installed close to the water at the marina's East Pontoon, and it is delivering crisp, clear images thanks to its built-in wiper, and IP67 weather-hardiness rating.

"Our new CCTV system from Euro Security has been working perfectly, even in the challenging coastal weather conditions that we sometimes experience," says Hartlepool's head of security Allan Henderson.

"We looked at alternative models but none of them offered as many advantages as the C-Allviews," he adds.

"Our C-Allviews are now widely used in applications such as town centres and public areas, as well as in remote rural sites and difficult coastal locations," says John Downie, CBC's sales & marketing Manager.

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