

IEE challenges Ifsec visitors to test tailgate detection technology live

Contern, Luxembourg

As a leading developer of intelligent sensing solutions, at Ifsec in Birmingham, UK next week IEE will be showcasing its tailgate detector Tdflex, people counter and volumetric object surveillance products through interactive displays that will allow visitors to test the technology for themselves.
The company will be demonstrating enhancements to its award-winning tailgate detector Tdflex. The new features mean that the sensor is now equipped with two main operating modes – “virtual mantrap” and “real mantrap”.

In the virtual mantrap mode, Tdflex creates a virtual mantrap in front of the access point to a secure area. This access point can be a door, a mechanical or optical turnstile, a revolving door or even a line drawn on the floor. Tdflex then tracks people in the virtual mantrap and only allows access to authorised people, by taking each person’s authentication credit into account.

In the real mantrap mode, Tdflex monitors the space between two interlocking doors and provides outputs that determine whether the space is empty, there is only one person present, or there is a suspicious situation. In this mode, Tdflex does not consider authentication credits but continuously provides the occupancy state of the mantrap.

In addition to its access control functions, Tdflex can offer additional people counting functionalities, such as – an entry and exit counter, zone occupancy and zone occupancy threshold alerts without the need for a computer, multizone occupancy and threshold alerts, data logging, and analysis and reporting.

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