

Genie CCTV supports Sick Children's trust

Hertfordshire, UK

"TEAM GENIE", from Genie CCTV Ltd announces their support to the work of The Sick Children's Trust by participating in the forthcoming London to Cambridge bike ride on 25th July 2010. The idea is to raise as much money as possible for this important cause which provides "home from home" accommodation for families whose children are receiving hospital treatment for serious illness, often many miles from home.
The work of this charity was brought to the attention of Genie when one of their technical team members, Tekin Onbashi had to call on their help after his baby daughter who was born 5 weeks prematurely was rushed to hospital with breathing difficulties and had to be put on a ventilator. The Sick Children’s Trust helped immensely by providing free of charge accommodation which allowed Tek and his wife Debbie stay by Megan’s bedside whilst she was seriously ill.

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