

FLIR extends product warranty

Meer, Belgium

With immediate effect FLIR Systems is offering an extended warranty on every fixed mounted thermal imaging camera that is sold for security and surveillance applications and is equipped with an uncooled microbolometer detector.
Thermal imaging cameras are being used by a rapidly increasing number of people in a variety of applications. They are widely used for security and surveillance, maritime, automotive, predictive maintenance, R&D, machine vision and many more applications. Once purchased a thermal imaging camera forms a crucial component in the security of critical assets and people depend on this.

As a market leader in thermal imaging cameras FLIR Systems believes it has a complete understanding of this and is therefore building not only some of the most advanced but also the most reliable thermal imaging cameras on the market. In order to make existing and potential thermal imaging camera users aware of this, FLIR Systems has improved its warranty policy.

With this new extended warranty period, the uncooled microbolometer within the camera is covered by no less than 10 years warranty. If a problem should occur within this timeframe FLIR Systems will replace the uncooled microbolometer detector free of charge or, depending on the case, even replace the entire thermal imaging camera. Certain warranty conditions apply depending on the product type and In order to benefit from this new warranty policy owners of the FLIR thermal imaging cameras need to register with the company. As with the previous warranty policy this extended warranty, which is free of charge, starts from the date of product purchase.

“FLIR Systems has been producing thermal imaging cameras now for more than 50 years.”, says Loic Premartin, Vice- President
Sales EMEA of FLIR Systems. “We have a good reputation in all the markets in which we are active for building extremely
reliable thermal imaging cameras.”

“By giving 10 years of warranty on the heart of the thermal imaging camera, the uncooled microbolometer detector, and, depending on the model, two or three full years on the entire product, we want to show our customers that we are fully committed to deliver the best possible quality at the best price. This new warranty policy illustrates once more that FLIR Systems is the world leader in thermal imaging cameras.”

FLIR Systems is able to offer this warranty due to the in-house production of its uncooled microbolometer detectors. FLIR Systems has been doing this for several years and not only has acquired the knowledge to do this in extremely high quantities but in extremely high quality as well. This makes FLIR Systems a unique manufacturer in all thermal imaging markets.

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