

Fermax offers legacy entry systems a new lease of life

Valencia, Spain

Wi-Box is a small device that allows any old VDS equipment to connect to the home’s Wifi and transfer its functions to a mobile phone.

Fermax has set out to give new life to the millions of VDS technology audio and video door entry systems already installed in our cities. Their proposal is called Wi-Box. It is a small device that allows any old VDS equipment to connect to the home’s Wifi and transfer its functions to a mobile phone. Security, comfort and mobility for the user. And for professionals, a new business opportunity.

According to the manufacturer's own calculations, there are currently more than three and a half million VDS equipment installed in the world. VDS is a reliable, successful and stable technology because of its characteristics and for a long time, it has been the favourite of installers and installation companies. Today, the VDS installations continue to offer the final customer effective performance, but  society families and individual needs have changed. Fermax brings an answer to the market with its proposal to give a new digitalised life to the old VDS equipment thanks to Wi-Box.

Wi-Box is a small device (80 x 80 x 20 mm) that is added to the existing installation and allows the VDS equipment to connect to the home Wifi network through the home router. This way, the audio or video door entry system in the home can communicate with the resident's smartphone. From that moment on, users will be able to interact with their door phone remotely and having the same functions as if they were in front of their equipment at home: receiving calls, talking with the visitor, opening the door, calling the concierge, activating the outdoor panel camera, capturing photos or activating any of the functions established in their equipment. It is also possible to open the door without keys, using the mobile phone.

For families who already have a VDS terminal at home, the advantages are more than obvious: extra comfort, security and mobility that are very much appreciated by today's digital citizens.

For installation companies, Wi-Box means the opportunity for new business, allowing them to return to customers' homes and offer new solutions to owners. It is offered at a very attractive price and it works with the VDS audio and video door entry models that Fermax has brought to the market over the last few years.


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