The foundation in perimeter protection is physical security and fences according to Genetec Regional Sales Director Nick D´hoedt. However, he thinks perimeter security has changed and while we were looking at a couple of hundred metres away from the boundaries before, today it can be multiple kilometres.
He says: “Now you have to think about a third dimension – radar technology, laser technology, radio frequency and also drone technology are all combined into one solution and we are bringing all that information back to the operators, who need to take responsibility and decisions within a timeframe of 10 to 20 seconds.”
A new reality
Lucas Le Belle, CEO of Cerbair, believes the emergence of civilian drones have dramatically changed the market. Traditionally attacks have been carried out by individuals trying to break into a site physically, or more lately, through cyber attacks. Hence, security countermeasure solutions have been implemented. But the problem with drones is that they just bypass all those traditional security measures.

Lucas Le Belle says: “All sites need cameras, analytics and access control, but we also need transition from this model to a fully integrated three-dimensional security approach. The near air space can be an easy way to go for terrorists, criminals or people with bad intentions to actually penetrate your site and do the attack. So, the whole anti-drone industry is going to be complementary to the more traditional way of doing things in security.”
He also believes that more emphasis has been put on anticipating detection in order to get longer reaction-times.
Volumes of coverage
Mark Cosgrave, Division Manager for Western Europe at Optex also thinks drones have changed the market dramatically and that drone detection is a big concern for different sectors like civil aviation, military applications, stadiums and more.
Dave Romero stresses there has been a shift in radar technology and a lot of radar manufacturers are now moving to 3D radars that can provide latitude, longitude and altitude in addition to the other characteristics.
He says: “The technologies that are best suited for the three-dimensional paradigm are typically specified in volumes of coverage as opposed to area coverage and that is a different way of thinking about security. There are more sources of clutter, and the total volume that is of concern, goes 90 degrees vertical, we now have threats that can fly at high altitudes, fly down directly to a site and that means we need new sensors, new technology to be able to address volumes of coverage.”

Expecting terror attacks
Edward Knoch, Project Manager at Spotter RF, is concerned that weaponising drones will continue to proliferate and that it is going to be more and more of a problem in the West.
He says: “Unfortunately, I think that a critical attack against infrastructure or against a population is going to occur before people actually stop to consider the ramifications of actually not having a perimeter intrusion protection for drones.”
Lucas Le Belle believes the Western governments are taking the drone threat seriously but are still not ready for it. He says: “We have not seen so many dramatic attacks done intentionally with big financial means and organisational skills involving drones, except for in the Middle East. But it is just a matter of time before it is going to happen in the Western World.”

Dave Romero says Black Sage have been working in countries where there are customers that are seeing hundreds of drone incursions per year. There are many different problems to address, everything from well-intended civilians flying drones where they should not to malicious attacks.
He says: “I think the awareness is much higher now and I think that the need for this technology is growing. It is really a shift in thinking from two-dimensional security to three dimensions and it will take a long time.”