

Dahua tailors ATM DVRs for a commercial Bank in Indonesia

Jakarta, Indonesia

For a leading financial institution in Indonesia the rise and development of ATMs not only brings convenience and 24/7 service for clients, but it also reduces manpower investments; but correspondingly, ATM-based crimes are on the increase, which is putting increasingly important demands on the organisation to provide an efficient surveillance system.
One of the largest commercial banks in Indonesia located in Jakarta, is a specialist in financial services, such as insurance, credit card and checking/savings accounts. The bank currently owns more than 875 domestic branch offices and more than 6300 ATM locations all over the country.

In order to protect their existing, new and future ATMs, the bank had a particular set of requirements in addition to the continued implementation of the high standard of camera already in place, equally the back-end device, in this case, the DVR needed to be of the same high quality and significance. The particularly confined installation space and requirements for 24/7 operation inevitably meant that the DVRs to be used should be more compact in design, with excellent ventilation performance and with a reasonable cost.

As a result Dahua Technology proposed a winning solution from a totally new perspective. They would pair 4 ATM kiosks with 4 cameras and 1 DVR, which would at least save on 2/3 DVRs compared with the conventional solution, which is generally adopted in other regions.

On successfully winning the tender Dahua tailored the DH-DVR0404AS-UD for the bank. This model has 4 RS232 ports on the rear panel, and via which, data & information about the card, account, etc. and time can be extracted and added onto the display, this text overlay function helps greatly if malicious transaction attempts or disputes occur. Dahua has designed this DVR with the text overlay function embedded, making the product extremently useful in terms of forensic evidence.

In order to overcome the high temperature endurance problem, the DH-DVR0404AS-UD uses an external power-supply plus a dual-fan to enhance its ventilation performance, which can withstand a working temperature of up to 60 degrees-C.

To date 2000 DH-DVR0404AS-UD have been installed for the bank, half a year has passed by and these DVRs are still in perfect working order. According to spokesman for the bank the DVRs and Dahua's system have successfully brought out several obvious tangible and intangible benefits for the organisation. The achieved results are exactly what they were hoping for.

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